Court Services

Municipal Court: Chief Judge Rashida Oliver

Law Enforcement Center

2727 East Point Street
East Point, GA 30344

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

The mission of the City of East Point Municipal Court is to provide prompt and courteous service in a fair, just and professional manner. While preserving the rule of law, we strive to protect the rights and liberties of all by promoting justice, fairly and impartially.

Online Payments & Virtual Court

Virtual Court: Due to the nationwide concern of the Covid-19 virus that has affected so many of us in so many ways, East Point Municipal Court has introduce a new and exciting way to take care of your court cases and traffic tickets in a safe environment either in person or in the comfort of your own home!

  • To Pay by Automated System over the phone, call (678) 359-2783 
  • Pay Online:
  • Leave payment in drop box located at: 2727 East Point Street at the entrance of the building.

We will be conducting Virtual Court!

Before Your Scheduled Court Date

Call the Court at (404) 559-6250 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Your case will be scheduled for a virtual hearing via the internet. A link will be sent for  you to attend the hearing. Any questions or further explanation will be explained once you call our office. *If you do not choose any of the above-mentioned options, your case will still be active and could result in a Failure to Appear Bench Warrant.



*The only individuals permitted to enter the building will be those who do not have virtual capabilities. Upon entrance, you will be required to get a temperature reading and MUST have on protective gloves AND face masks. Also, due to capacity guidelines, you are not allowed to bring additional persons with you unless you are assisting as a parent or guardian or legal caregiver will be permitted, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Court Forms

Court Appointed Attorney
*There is a $50 fee when applying for a Court Appointed Attorney


Arraignment Day

Rashida Oliver

Chief Judge

  • Be on time
  • Throw away gum, food or drinks before entering the courtroom
  • Stand when the judge enters and leaves the courtroom
  • Stand when you are speaking to the Judge
  • Speak clearly when you respond to the Judge’s questions
  • Always address the Judge as “Your Honor”
  • Never interrupt the Judge. If you are unsure of what you heard, wait until the Judge or other person speaking at your hearing has finished talking before asking the question
  • Enter and leave the courtroom quietly so you do not disturb others
  • Only approach the bench when instructed to do so
Dress Code

If you are appearing in court, you should dress nicely and in a manner that shows respect for the court. The following items are not permitted in the courtroom:

  • Hats (except those worn for religious purposes)
  • Sunglasses
  • T-shirts depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity or illegal drugs
  • Tubes or halter tops/plunging necklines/midriffs
  • Ripped or torn jeans
  • Mini-skirts or shorts
  • Baggy pants that fall below the waist
  • Flip Flops or house shoes
  • Low riding pants that expose the midriff or rear
  • Muscle shirts (normally worn as undergarments)
  • Pajamas

Everyone must go through security prior to entering the courtroom. In most cases, you will be able to walk through a metal detector, or an officer will use a wand to check for prohibited items. You should permit the officer to search all bags, packages or personal belongings that will be taken into the courtroom. If you refuse to cooperate, you may be denied entry to your hearing.

  • Weapons of any kind
  • Absolutely no electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, notebooks, notepads, laptops, video, voice recorders or cameras (unless approved by the court) allowed in the courtroom. Please secure them appropriately before entering the courtroom.
  • Food, beverages, chewing gum and tobacco

The public is hereby notified that as this is a court of law, the Court will not allow distractions to invade, interrupt, or otherwise disturb the dignity and solemnity of court proceedings. As court generally is not an appropriate place for children, the Court strongly encourages parents and guardians to seriously consider whether it is necessary for a child to attend court. When a child is present in court, he or she should not present a distraction to the Court’s orderly function and processes.

Contact Us

Malcolm Mitchell

Court Administrator

(404) 559-6250